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蘑菇中特有成份能夠防禦癌症,比如疾病抗體凝集素、腫瘤 抗體葡聚糖等生化成份都能夠抑制癌細胞形成和生長。很多研究顯示蘑菇中特有成份能夠降腺癌風險,尤其對於乳癌和前列腺癌有很好的效果。西澳大學學者Dr Shiuan Chen 表示“每日進食100g左右的蘑菇能夠降低女性患乳腺癌的風險“。相關實驗是長期每日平均進食10g蘑菇的女性,比不進食的患有乳腺癌的概率低65%。CSIRO研究中心的學者亦表示:研究很多數據都很好地顯示長期食用蘑菇能夠降低患乳腺癌的風險。 





------------------------------------------------------------ 參考文獻 -------------------------------------------------------------


Adams LS, Phung S, Wu X, Ki L, Chen S. White button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) exhibits antiproliferative and proapoptotic properties and inhibits prostate tumor growth in athymic mice. Nutrition and Cancer 2008; 60 (6): 744-756Chen S. Anti-cancer activities of white button mushrooms. Mushroom Science XVI 2004: 25-29


Chen S, Oh S-R, Phung S, Hur G, Ye JJ, Kwok SL, Shrode GE, Belury M, Adams SL, Williams D. Anti-aromatase activity of phytochemicals in white button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus). Cancer Research 2006; 66 (24): 12026-12034


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Jeong SC, Koyyalamudi SR, Jeong YT, Song CH, Pang G. Macrophage immunomodulating and antitumor activities of polysaccharides isolated from Agaricus bisporus white button mushrooms. Journal of Medicinal Food 2012; 15 (1): 58-65


Martin KR, Brophy SK. Commonly consumed and specialty dietary mushrooms reduce cellular proliferation in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells. Experimental Biology & Medicine 2010; 235: 1306-1314


Shin A, Kim J, Lim SY, Kim G, Sung MK, Lee ES, Ro J. Dietary mushroom intake and the risk of breast cancer based on hormone receptor status. Nutrition & Cancer 2010; 62 (4): 476-483


Zhang M, Huang J, Xie X, Holman CDJ. Dietary intakes of mushrooms and green tea combine to reduce the risk of breast cancer in Chinese women. Int J Cancer 2009; 124: 1404-1408

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